GRADES 7 - 12
Contact the upper school office at:
(540) 366-2432, ext. 127
8:00AM - 3:30PM
RVCS Upper School prepares students for the present and the future as it fulfills the Mission Statement; "Roanoke Valley Christian Schools makes disciples of Christ in obeying the command of God to train students in truth." Teachers deliver academic content from a Biblical worldview while applying truth to life. Students are challenged to develop physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually in the path God designed for their lives. Academic excellence provides life skills for students to excel in university, vocation, or service.
Upper School teachers are called to this ministry. They serve students through the mission of the school. Teachers hold degrees and maintain certification through Association of Christian Schools International. Professional development for teachers develops a clear Biblical worldview as well as best educational practices. Teachers convey to the classroom a wealth of personal, practical, and spiritual education within the framework Biblical truth. Teachers demonstrate concern for their students beyond academic content.
Preparation for Life:
Training in life skills is an important product of RVCS. Students are taught by Godly teachers who are called to this ministry. Teachers at RVCS are required to maintain certification through Association of Christian Schools International which combines stringent academic recognition along with Bible training. Each teacher conveys to the classroom a wealth of personal, practical, and spiritual education within the framework Biblical truth. Students are prepared for life!
RVCS is accredited by two organizations. The first, Association of Christian Schools International, is an international accrediting organization maintaining superior academic requirements in many countries. Cognia is a global network of educators to strengthen schools through accreditation and professional development. RVCS meets the rigorous accreditation requirements from both agencies. Teachers at RVCS are required to maintain certification through Association of Christian Schools International which combines professional along with Bible training.
For additional information about content on this page, contact the Upper School Office at 540.366.2432, ext. 127 or RVCS-US@sbcfamily.org.
​Click here to view a listing of textbooks used at RVCS.
Click here for the RVCS grading scale.
Supply List - Grades 7-12 (for 2024-2025)
​Classes Offered: Click here
RVCS offers two diplomas: Standard and Advanced. Requirements for those diplomas are linked below and can be found in the Family-School Guide as well.
​Graduation requirements and sample course plan.
RVCS School Profile, a verbal snapshot of RVCS.
RVCS curriculum is designed to prepare students for college, although all graduates do not choose that path. The links below can be used to access information necessary for the future after graduation.
Dual Credit is available for English.
AP Courses
The College Board has approved RVCS for AP classes to be taught at RVCS. This certification allows the school to not only teach the designated AP classes, but to also mark those classes as approved AP coursework on the students' transcripts. Students taking such coursework may receive college credit upon completion of the course. www.collegeboard.org.
Dual Credit is available for English.
College Scholarship Info
These links will take you to information away from the RVCS website.
Appalachian Bible College https://www.abc.edu/undergraduate/costs-and-aid/financial-aid/
Liberty University Local Private School Scholarship https://www.liberty.edu/student-financial-services/scholarships/
Scholarship Search: www.scholarships.com
Student Scholarships https://studentscholarships.org
Roanoke County Scholarships: http://www.cfwesternva.org/roanoke-county/
Financial Aid Information:
FAFSA: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa
Financial Aid Resource: www.finaid.org
US Dept. of Education: www.studentaid.gov
Fast Web: www.fastweb.com
Sallie Mae: www.salliemae.com
College Cost Calculator: www.mortgageloan.com/calculator/college-savings
Register for the SAT: www.collegeboard.org
Register for the ACT: www.act.org
College Information:
Peterson's Education and Career Center: www.petersons.com
Kaplan: www.kaplan.com
Princeton Review: www.review.com
College Express: www.collegeexpress.com
Schools in the USA: www.schoolsintheusa.com
The following facts concern requirements from the Commonwealth of Virginia for teens under 18 to obtain a driver’s license.
For more information, contact the upper school office.
a. Teens must be 15 years and 6 months old in order to apply for a learner’s permit. RVCS can administer the sign and general knowledge test.
b. Teens must hold a learner’s permit for a total of 9 months before applying for a driver’s license.
a. Teens under 18 must pass the classroom portion of Driver Education.
b. 36 classroom periods are required before taking the in-car instruction.
a. Teens must pass the in-car portion of Driver’s Education.
b. 7 periods of driving (behind the wheel) and 7 periods of observation.
On the last day of in-car instruction students take a road test. Upon passing they receive a temporary driver’s license from their instructor which is valid for 6 months.
Within the 6-month period with their temporary driver’s license, students receive a postcard in the mail with date for them to appear in court with their parents at which time they will receive their permanent license.