Thank you for your support to Roanoke Valley Christian Schools. Because of your financial support and generosity, we can continue to provide a Christian education for individuals in the Roanoke area. Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God's work here at Roanoke Valley Christian Schools.
There are several ways to donate to Roanoke Valley Christian Schools:
When you click the link below to donate, your donation will benefit in this way:
** Roanoke Valley Christian Schools (giving to the general operating budget of RVCS and providing tuition assistance for families)
1. We offer safe and secure online giving:
2. You are always welcome to drop off your donation at any school office.
3. You can mail your donation to:
Roanoke Valley Christian Schools
6520 Williamson Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
For information on updating your email address or class reunions click here.
For information on our RVCS Booster Club click here.

The former Kroger Cares program has been changed to the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Please register your Kroger Plus card at krogercommunityrewards.com. Follow the steps under "Sign Up Today" and choose RVCS as the organization you would like to support. RVCS will received cash rewards if you take the time to do this!!! Thanks so much.
Box Tops are included on participating General Mills® products. Ask your friends and family to start helping too!
No need to clip Box Tops any longer. Simply download the Box Tops for Education App from your app store, register with your email address, choose RVCS as the recipient, and scan your shopping receipt whenever you purchase items with Box Tops. You’ll see the $.10 per Box Top loaded onto our account. Thanks so much!
The purpose of the Shenandoah Educational Foundation (SEF) is to financially assist individuals otherwise unable to obtain a Christian education and to assist private Christian organizations in providing a Christian education. Tax-deductible donations may be made toward the SEF and matching gifts may be given to this fund. For information regarding a contribution contact Rick Brown, School Administrator at rbrown@sbcfamily.org. Donations may be made at any time.
A "wish list" is maintained in the school office for items that are not included in the schools' budget. For those who are interested in making a tax-deductible financial contribution, desiring to designate it for a specific item, contact Rick Brown at rbrown@sbcfamily.org to receive a copy of the list.