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Supplementary Learning Program

Children deserve a Christian education regardless of learning differences or academic deficiencies. The Supplementary Learning Program (SLP) at RVCS consists of multiple components to service some of these children. The Supplementary Learning Program at RVCS is designed to assist students who are struggling academically in the classroom. These students may/may not have a diagnosed learning disability but may be struggling with reading, writing, English, spelling, math, organization, study skills, or attention. Except for Teachers on Call, all components charge an additional fee above tuition cost. Information regarding services to home school students can be found on the RVCS website.  


Educational Therapy (National Institute for Learning Development, NILD) is designed for students (K-12) who are not achieving their academic potential due to a disorder in one of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using spoken or written language. A full educational psychological evaluation, less than three years old, with a specific diagnosis is required to be eligible for NILD therapy. Educational and psychological testing identifies areas of weaknesses. Therapy strengthens the identified areas of weakness in perception and cognition through individualized instruction.  Students attend Educational Therapy three times a week and are encouraged to think logically, formulate judgments, and solve problems through the careful questioning and cuing of the therapist. The length of stay in the program varies due to individual needs and achievement rates. Students are usually enrolled a minimum of three to four years depending upon the severity of the deficits. Classroom teachers work closely with the therapist to provide accommodations or modifications in the regular classroom. Development of confident, independent, lifelong learners is the objective.   Students, grades 9-12, receive one credit if enrolled in educational therapy for the year. RVCS employs certified NILD therapists. “NILD Educational Therapy Theory of Change” can be found at O:\2 RVCS\TEACHERS Documents.


Executive Function Coaching (EFC) is designed for students who struggle in the classroom due to ADHD or executive functioning deficiencies. Parents and teacher refer students to the SLP director anytime throughout the school year.  Students are seen by the SLP teacher for at least three 30-minute sessions and may be combined in groups of two or three.  EFC is available for a concentration in reading, math and/or executive function. Classroom teachers provide accommodations or modifications in the regular classroom following consultation with the SLP teacher. Testing is not required to enter EFC. “Executive Function Coaching” can be found at O:\2 RVCS\TEACHERS_Documents.  


Academic Enrichment Program is designed for students, grades 4-5, who are higher achieving students (80th percentile or higher on math and 70th percentile or higher on reading on a standardized test) in their academic work.  Students meet twice weekly for approximately 45 minutes each session for advanced studies in math, science and language arts.


Lower School Reading Specialist at RVCS plays a crucial role in enhancing the literacy skills of our students.  This position involves diagnosing reading difficulties, providing targeted instruction, and collaborating with Lower School teachers to integrate effective reading strategies within the classroom.  The Lower School Reading Specialist administers formal and informal assessments to determine students’ reading levels, develops and implements personalized reading plans, provides resources and support for reading instruction across the curriculum, and assists in selecting and using appropriate reading materials and resources.  


Teachers on Call is available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (7:50-8:15 a.m.) at no additional charge.


Tutoring Service can be scheduled for students who need individual instruction. The tutor determines the fee for this service.


There is a fee for all divisions of the Supplementary Learning Program in addition to the regular tuition except for Teachers on Call.
Educational Therapy:  $2,350/year

Executive Function Coaching: $155/month

Independent Resource:  $40/month
Academic Enrichment:  $820.00/year

Search and Teach: $65/month


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