RVCS has partnered with FACTS Management Group for all payments. This gives families access to their account 24 hours a day. They have customer service representatives available to answer questions when the school office is closed.
All families are required to register for a FACTS account. Multiple payment plans are available for your consideration (see below). Once you have chosen the desired plan, appropriate charges can be added for your children by the school administration. This becomes your Service Agreement with RVCS. Other items included in the Service Agreement are the curriculum fee, security fee, dual enrollment fee(s), and School of Music fee if applicable. Additional charges such as lunch, field trips, after school care, athletic fees or other possible miscellaneous charges, will be billed on a monthly basis through the Service Billing contract on your FACTS account.
The Online enrollment (registration) fee will be billed during the enrollment process through FACTS SIS. Payment is necessary to hold one’s spot as a student at RVCS and is non-refundable. Curricular fees will be billed once accounts are finalized for the coming school year. The FACTS Management Group charges an annual usage fee based on the payment plan selected that will be billed at the same time as curricular fees when accounts are finalized.
1. Tuition Payment plan (aka Service Agreement) options are:
Monthly payments beginning in August and ENDING in MAY – ACH/CC or Invoice
Monthly payments beginning in August and ENDING in JUNE – ACH/CC or Invoice
(A FACTS Annual Enrollment Fee of $55 is due upon finalization of either above plan)
Annual Payments – Full Payment made in August - ACH/CC or Invoice
Semi-Annual Payments – 2 payments made in August & January - ACH/CC or Invoice
(A FACTS Annual Enrollment Fee of $25 is due upon finalization of these plans)
​Please note: The default due date for tuition payments is scheduled on the 20th of the month. Parents who desire a different payment date may contact the Business Office to make this request. FACTS customer service is available 24/7 (1-866-441-4637) or chat online anytime. Parents may choose to use any method of payment (ACH, Credit Card or Invoice) as long as the account remains current. ACH (Automated Check Handling) is our recommended method for ease of payment, best security, and least amount of total cost. Partial payments can be made in advance of the due date if weekly or biweekly payments are needed.
2. Incidental Billing (aka Service Billing) is processed separately from tuition.
Charges for (lunch, Before/Extended Care, athletic fees, field trips, etc.) will be processed on the 25th of each month and due on the 5th of the following month. When the 25th falls in the middle of a billing week, that week of charges will be processed the following month. A final incidental billing will be posted in June for any end of year charges falling after the period posted in May. Balances will be due no later than the end of June.
3. Late Payments will incur a fee for tuition and/or Incidental payments.
​Parents can work out changes in payments with the Business Office prior to due dates in order to avoid late fees. Changes are not possible within 48 business hours of due date.
At any time during the school year, the FACTS Parent Portal may be closed and report cards and/or school records (transcripts and diplomas) may be held until all fees (tuition, lunch charges, athletics fees, etc.) have been paid and overdue library books returned.
Delinquent Accounts: Families will be contacted by the accounting office for accounts that are between 1-30 days past due. The goal will be to make these current as soon as possible. At 31-60 days, a delinquent account will require families to meet with the Business Administrator and an appropriate plan will be put in place to remedy all past due charges. Deviation from proposed plan or lack of proper communication could lead to student withdrawal.
4. Early Withdrawal: RVCS understands that families decide to withdraw their students from time to time for a variety of reasons. Roanoke Valley Christian Schools (RVCS) makes a financial commitment to each enrolled family for the full academic year, allocating resources and planning based on expected enrollment. In the event of a student’s withdrawal, one’s tuition will be prorated to the actual number of days of attendance based on a 180-day school calendar. In addition, a $500 withdrawal fee will be assessed to help offset the costs associated with this commitment. This fee applies to any student who withdraws after enrollment is confirmed.
For questions regarding withdrawals, please contact the school office.
*Dual Credit Fees cannot be refunded by RVCS. These funds are paid directly to the college to participate in the program and receive college credit.
**All Supplementary Learning Programs (e.g., Executive Function Coaching, Educational Therapy, etc.) charges will be prorated to the number of days of attendance. Information on these programs can be found here.
***Eagles’ Wings School of Music charges are per semester and are non-refundable once a semester begins.
The Bible gives abundant counsel in the proper handling of finances. RVCS is committed to obedience to this counsel as provided in Scripture. The practical applications of this are:
1. RVCS is not a lending institution to families.
Proverbs 22:7 teaches, “…the borrower is servant to the lender.” We would interpret this to mean that when an account becomes past due, the parent becomes a “servant or slave” to RVCS, the “lender.” It is our desire to serve your family not your family serve us. It is for this reason we do not want you to be financially indebted to us.
2. RVCS encourages proper parental financial planning in advance of enrolling your child(ren) in school. Christian education requires a financial investment. Plan in advance to meet your financial commitment in full and on time. This allows us to do the same.
Luke 14:28 teaches, “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it?”
3. RVCS encourages communication between the parents and school to allow a clear understanding and spirit of cooperation in regard to special financial situations.
Isaiah 55:8 teaches, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord.” Your family may be experiencing a financial testing which has resulted in your inability to maintain a current account. Please, let us know right away! This will allow us to consider possible alternatives.
The communication and decision process in special financial situations is as follows:
· Business Office - RVCS FACTS Administrator
· Business Administrator – final decision
· Shenandoah Baptist Elders – final appeal
In an effort to avoid a “servant/lender” relationship, the following restrictions and penalties will be applied to delinquent accounts:
· Records/Diplomas will be held until all accounts are paid in full.
· Past due accounts must be paid before any student is permitted to begin a new school year.
· All payments will be applied to the oldest balances carried.
2025-2026 Tuition/Fees:
K2-K4 (5 full days): $7,740
K2-K4 (3 full days): $5,418
K2-K4 (2 full days): $3,870
K2-K4 (5 half days): $5,805
K2-K4 (3 half days): $3,250
K2-K4 (2 half days): $2,322
Grades K5 - 6: $7,740
Grades 7 - 12: $8,630
Many families qualify for SCHOLARSHIPS reducing the tuition as listed above. For details contact the Admission Director. Tuition is payable on an annual, semi-annual, or monthly basis.
Enrollment / Registration Fee*:
Current Student: $100 per student
New Student: $150 per student
*The registration fee is due at the time of enrollment or re-enrollment, and is non-refundable.
Testing Fee:
A testing fee of $50.00 per individual is due at the time of testing for new students, but only necessary if a recent standardized testing report is not available. (This fee is in addition to the registration fee.)
A fee of $25.00 per Kindergarten applicant is included in the registration fee.
Curricular Fee:
Annual curricular fees include consumable workbooks, curriculum packets, computer fees, etc.
K2 -Grade 12 - $125 per student
Security Fee:
Each family will be billed $95 annually per student, which will be billed through your FACTS tuition payment plan.
TUITION CAP - 2025-2026
3 Children - $18,400
4 Children - $19,400
5 Children - $20,400
6 Children - $21,400
7 Children - $22,400